This Photoshop 3.0 printing ink setup dramatically improves color saturation and accuracy on the Epson Stylus Color printer. This only works while printing with Photoshop. It does not improve color accuracy in other applications.
This Ink Setup may be distributed by online services, user groups and bulletin boards if and only if the settings file and this read me document are distributed together and unaltered.
How it Works
Photoshop is capable of doing its own color separation into cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components. Photoshop's separation routines are invoked by selecting to print in "CMY" in the Photoshop Print dialog. Printing in "RGB" lets the Epson driver do all the work. Because the Photoshop separation routines are customizable to special ink settings, it is possible to improve accuracy and saturation of printed images by using this settings file and letting Photoshop do the work. This file should not be considered an ultimate standard for ink correction, but it is a significant improvement.
Photoshop 3.0 (This may work with earlier versions but has not been tested)
Epson Stylus Color printer
StylusColor driver version 1.10E, 1.20E, or 1.20A (Other versions not tested)
1) Place the file "KS Labs Epson Ink 2.52" into your Photoshop folder
2) Launch Photoshop
3) Select under the File menu the item Preferences->Printing Inks Setup...
4) Click the "Load..." button
5) Select and load the "KS Labs Epson Ink 2.52" file
6) Click on "OK"
From now on Photoshop will use the new printing ink setup for its CMY conversion process. The setting is global to the application, not a specific document. Select another printing ink setup later if you no longer wish to use this setup.
1) Open an RGB document.
2) Scale and rotate it as desired to fit your paper.
3) Select the "Print" command
4) The bottom of the print dialog will let you select
Print in: ( ) Gray ( ) RGB (•) CMY
5) Make sure that CMY mode is selected. If RGB mode is selected, the new ink settings will have no effect. If the image is a CMYK file, it is automatically separated per the new setting.
6) Click on "Options" to set up the Epson printing options
7) Set the Epson options to
CMYK (Color)
720 dpi mode
No Screen Pattern
Microweave On
Darkest setting on the slider if using StylusColor 1.10E
Middle + 1 darker setting on slider if StylusColor 1.20E or 1.20A
8) Click on Okay and print.
Try HP Premium Glossy Paper or Epson Glossy Paper for more vivid color and richer black.
If dark regions on your printouts seem to have little specks of lightness, recalibrate your printer. The calibration may be lost if the printer loses power to its power cord.
If the image is too dark or too light, don't use the darkness slider in the Epson options to adjust the printout. Other settings may produce less linear darker tones. Instead open the Photoshop Printing Inks Setup again and adjust the Dot Gain. This settings file sets the dot gain to 18% by default. Increase dot gain to lighten the printout. Decrease dot gain to darken the printout. Try 3 to 5% changes at a time.
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Notice: This software is supplied "as-is." without implied or express warranty. The user accepts responsibility for all direct or consequential loss or damages caused by installation or use of this software.
Epson Stylus Color, Photoshop, Power Macintosh, Quadra, Centris, Performa, PowerPC are trademarks of their respective owners. No endorsement or recommendation is implied.